Agricultural Statistics


Agricultural year (June to May) is divided in to basically two seasons viz., Kharif and Rabi. Agricultural census is conducted in both seasons Viz., Kharif and Rabi in a year.

All the 140 crops which are sown during the period from June to September are recorded as Kharif crops based on the sample records of revenue department.

All the crops which are sown during the period from October to March are considered as Rabi crops.

The due dates for submission of Kharif and Rabi Agricultural Census Abstracts are given below:

Kharif Rabi
1 Enumeration period 5th Oct. to 20th Oct. 05th April to 20th April
2 Preparation and Checking of Village abstracts. 20th Oct. to 25th Oct. 21st April to 25th April
3 Preparation of Mandal abstracts 25th Oct. to 4th Nov. 26th April to 05th May
4 Submission of Mandal abstracts to the Divisions 5th November 06th May
5 Submission of the Divisional abstracts to the District (after scrutiny of mandal abstracts) 10th November 15th May
6 Submission of the District abstracts to the D.E. &S., Hyderabad. 30th November 31st May