- 1. Agriculture Statistics
- 2. Industrial Statistics
- 3. Price Statistics
- Daily Retail Prices of 6 essential commodities
- Weekly retail prices of 30 essential commodities
- Daily wages of Agricultural labour and non-agricultural labour
- Wholesale prices of Livestock and Livestock products and feed
- Wholesale prices on 40 principle agricultural commodities
- Prices of Building material and wage rates of construction labour
- Consumer price index numbers for industrial workers (CPI-IW)
- 4. State Economy
- 5. Social Statistics
- 6. Socio Economic Surveys
- 7. Statistics for Local Area Planning
Agriculture Statistics
Agricultural Statistics covers Rainfall Statistics, Area Statistics comprising the data on Land Use, Area & Production and Yield Statistics of various crops produced in the state. For boosting the output of food grains, the Government of Telangana is adopting a promising multi-pronged strategy.
The objective of the strategy is to make Telangana self-sufficient in food grains and eventually the export possibilities. Directorate of Economics and Statistics is declared as State Agriculture Statistical Authority since ages.
Rainfall Statistics
The Director, Directorate of Economics and Statistics is designated by the Government as the Rainfall Registration Authority in the State. The state has a rain gauge in every mandal covering an area of 250 sq.kms. as against the IMD's requirement of a gauge per 500 sq.kms.
The daily rainfall report/ weekly rainfall report for week ending Wednesday of all mandals are computerized and are being submitted to the State Government everyday / Thursday.
Area Statistics
The Directorate of Economics and Statistics is the State Agricultural Statistics Authority (SASA). The Agricultural Statistics system comprises census enumeration of each piece of land in the state and aggregating the area statistics (of all kinds) at various levels from village to the state. The Directorate has computerized the Agricultural Census Abstract to facilitate fast processing and retrieval of data at mandal level.
Data on land use is being collected on nine-fold classification i) Forest, ii) Barren and Unculturable Land, iii) Land put to non agricultural uses, iv) Permanent Pastures and other grazing lands, v) Miscellaneous tree crops groves not included in the Net Area Sown, vi) Culturable Waste, vii) Other Fallow Lands, viii) Current Fallows and ix) Net Area Sown. Data on these uses of land are finalized at the end of the Rabi season every year.
Data is also collected through the scheme of ' Timely Reporting of Agricultural Statistics' (TRAS) using sampling techniques and the forecast report indicates area and production of the important crops. The forecast are made on certain important crops according to a prescribed calendar.
Yield Statistics
food and non-food crops
To obtain objective estimates of average productivity per hectare and production of important food and non-food crops, crop estimation surveys are being carried out in A.P. in both Kharif and Rabi seasons. At present these surveys are being conducted to cover eleven principal food crops viz., Rice, Jowar, Bajra, Maize. Ragi, Korra, Red gram, Green gram, Black gram, Horse gram & Bengal gram and ten principal non-food crops viz., Groundnut, Sesamum, Castor, Sunflower, Chillies (red), Sugarcane, Cotton, Tobacco, Mesta and Soyabeen.
A multistage stratified random sampling procedure with the mandal as the stratum, villages within the stratum as first stage units, the field in the selected village as the secondary unit of sampling and the plot of the specified size within the field as the ultimate unit of sampling has been adopted for carrying out these surveys. The sample size i.e. the total number of villages for each crop is so fixed at the state level as to give estimates of average productivity with a desired degree of precision at the state level.
For conducting these surveys two Departments, viz., Statistical and Agriculture are involved and the experiments are shared by Statistical and Agriculture Departments by 50:50 basis.
crop insurance scheme
The comprehensive crop insurance scheme is being implemented in Andhra Pradesh from 1985-86 onwards to provide financial support to the loanee farmers in the event of crop failure due to natural calamities. The Scheme is renamed as National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS) to include non-loanee farmers also from 2000-2001 onwards. The crops covered under the scheme are Rice, Jowar, Bajra, Maize, Red gram, Green gram, Black gram, Groundnut, Castor, Sunflower, Cotton, Chillies, Sugarcane and Onion. Mandal or group of mandals (in contiguity) having a minimum area of 5000 acres under a crop is constituted as an insurance unit and 12 or 18 experiments are planned respectively on each crop in these units. Unit wise estimates of average productivity of crops are supplied to General Insurance Corporation as per the cut off dates for each season.
With the introduction of the crop insurance scheme the number of experiments have been increased to 28000 per annum, there by the precision of the estimates of average productivity at district/state level has also been increased.
Fruit and vegetables crops
Yield estimation surveys on Fruits and Vegetable Crops and perennial and orchard crops are being conducted by adopting the multistage stratified random sampling with two stage yield estimation procedure viz., the density of bearing trees per hectare and yield per bearing tree. The crops covered under the procedure are Mango, Coconut, Banana, Guava, Lemon, Batavia and Cashew nut. In addition to these orchard crops, yield estimation surveys are also conducted by following the procedures of general crop estimation surveys, on tomato, onion, turmeric, bhendi and brinjal crops. These surveys are shared by Statistical and Horticulture functionaries at primary level on 50:50 ratio.
The Directorate releases agricultural statistics through two annual publications viz., an Outline of Agricultural Situation in Telangana and Season and Crop Report of Telangana
Industrial Statistics
The Industrial Statistics are presented under two parts, viz.,
1. Organised factory sector and
2. Unorganised non-factory sector.
The former covers all units registered under sections 2m(i) and 2m(ii) of the Industries Act, 1948 and the latter, all other (household and non-household) manufacturing units.
Annual Survey Of Industries
The Annual Survey of Industries is being conducted in the country since 1959 under the provisions of collection of Statistics Act, 1953 and the Rules framed there under in 1959 by National Sample Survey Organisation (FOD) under the guidance of Central Statistical Organisation (IS Wing), Government of India through comprehensive schedules covering information on location, registration, fixed capital, invested capital, outstanding loans, number of workers, emoluments fuel consumed, total inputs, total output, depreciation, value added and net income. All the Factories registered under Sections 2m(i) and 2m(ii) of Factories Act, 1948 Bidi and Cigar Units employing 10 or more without Power registered under Bidi and Cigar Workers ( Condition of Employment) Act,1966 are covered on Sample basis every year.
The main objective of the Annual Survey of Industries is to estimate the contribution of Registered manufacturing industry to the "National Income" and also to build up a principal source of Industrial Statistics in the country. The data pertaining to selected factories is being supplied by the Central Statistical Organisation (IS Wing), Kolkata to the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Telangana state for further verification and processing to generate the results as per the state requirement. Also the Directorate is publishing a report based on the processed results every year.
The Directorate of Economics & Statistics brings out a report based on summary block at 2-digit level of industry classification for the state as well as for the districts. The Directorate of Economics & Statistics releases state level data on selected characteristics of the factories, viz., type of organization, type of ownership, initial year of production, size of capital and size of employment etc.
The Directorate of Economics and Statistics has taken up Annual Survey of Industries, 2002-03 for the first time in the state on par with the Government of India by canvassing the same schedules of National Sample Survey Organisation to arrive at the District level estimates.
Index Of Industrial Production
Previously, the Directorate of Economics & Statistics used to collect monthly production data from 156 selected factories every month and work out monthly index of industrial production with base year, 1970. In view of the change in the industrial scenario during the last two decades, the 1970 base year has become not relevant to the present context.
The Central Statistical Organisation has advised the states to shift the base year to 1993-94 in line with the All India I.I.P. As per the guidelines of Central Statistical Organisation, the Directorate of Economics & Statistics has selected the item basket and also the weighting diagram for the selected items as well as for the industrial groups and ultimately for the three sectors namely, 1) Mining and quarrying, 2) Manufacturing sector and 3) Electricity.
The item basket for manufacturing sector contains 82 item groups. A total of 84 groups including Mining and Electricity sector factories have been selected for getting monthly production data for the purpose of I.I.P. The Directorate is working out I.I.P. with base year, 1993-94 from April, 1999 onwards and it is proposed to shift the base year from 1993-94 to 1999-2000 keeping in view of the guidelines to be received from the Government of India.
Prices are important data for monitoring inflation and valuation of goods to arrive at important variables like income and expenditure in the state economy. Price monitoring requires collection of prices at various points in the distribution channel, at the level of producers, at the level of wholesalers and at the retail level. The DES deals with collection, compilation, analysis and publication of a wide variety of prices. These are:
- farm harvest prices,
- peak marketing prices of agricultural products,
- wholesale prices of 33 agricultural commodities,
- monthly wholesale prices of livestock, livestock products and feed,
- quarterly wholesale prices of building materials,
- weekly retail prices of 26 essential commodities,
- weekly retail prices of commodities included in consumer index numbers for industrial workers,
- daily wages of agricultural laborers, and
- daily wages of construction workers.
The DES issues monthly reports of prices of 46 non-food items. It generates weekly indices of prices of 26 essential commodities. and monthly indices of wholesale prices of 33 agricultural commodities. It compiles the Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial workers (State Series) for six selected centres. It also conducts the Family Budget Surveys once in about ten years to formulate the weighting diagram for this index number.
State Income Division
State domestic product popularly known as ‘State Income’ is one of the important indicators of economic development. The estimates of the state domestic product at current and constant prices by industry of origin are prepared in four stages for every year. The four stages are advance estimates, quick estimates, provisional and revised estimates. These estimates are in constant demand for purposes of planning, assessment of the rate of development and determination of the share of central resources to be allocated to the State.
Regional Accounts
Economic classification of the state expenditure given in annual budgets of the state Government is made to classify State expenditures by their economic character( final outlays consisting of government consumption expenditure, wages and salaries, pensions and other consumption, and gross capital formation, transfer payments to the rest of the economy and financial investments and loans to the rest of the economy.) Functional classification of budgetary outlays is also made to show them according to the services or functions rendered.
Income outlay account and also capital finance accounts are prepared every year in the section in respect of State Government’s budgetary transactions, Zilla Parishads, Mandal parishads, grama panchayats, municipalities and state public sector undertakings separately as recommended by the Regional Accounts Committee set up by Government of India in 1976. Capital formation in all sectors of Telangana economy is also estimated.
Related Macro Economic Aggregates
Related Macro Economic aggregates like, Capital Formation and Savings are also estimated. Estimates of Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) by type of industry, by type of institutions and by type of assets are compiled.
It is one of the states in the country collecting the annual accounts from all the local bodies i.e., Zilla Parishads, Mandal Parishads, Muncipalities /Corporations, Grama Panchayats and analysing annually to arrive Gross Value Added, Capital formation, consumption expenditure, savings etc., in the prescribed accounts of Income and outlay account & Capital Finance account.
Annual accounts of Zilla Parishads and Municipalities are being analysed at the state level by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics and Mandal Parishad and Gram Panchayat accounts are being finalised at district level by Chief Planning Officer District Panchayat Officer respectively.
The quinquennial livestock census provides information on various categories of livestock, poultry, agricultural implements and machinery as well fishing craft and tackle. This data aids the planning for the development of the animal husbandry sector and for the betterment of the lives of the poor who constitute a large proportion of workers in this sector. The importance of this census may be gauged by the fact that this is the first census, other than the population census, to be taken up and that it is being conducted all over India since 1921. The Census covers all animals living classifying them by the level of their utility. For instance cattle are classified among working, breeding, and milk yielding and and their counter bodies in each category. They are also classified by age. This data helps studies of changing composition of livestock holdings. Poultry is classified by variety and breed in each category. Information on fisherman households and fishing craft and tackle provide a wealth of information on the sector helping evolve plans for the upliftment of this particularly poor section of population.
Census of minor irrigation sources is conducted once in 5 years. This work consists of organising the census, collecting data in prescribed forms, compiling it using computers and publishing the data on minor irrigation. Monitoring the progress of minor irrigation in the state by obtaining quarterly reports from concerned departments is another part of this work. Special studies are conducted to estimate area irrigated by various minor irrigation sources, potential created and utilised etc.
The Economic Census is a comprehensive listing of all enterprises other than those engaged in crop production. It covers own account enterprises (those that do not employ any hired labour) and establishments (those that employ hired labour). While it covers all enterprises including the large ones in the administration and organised sectors, it is the only comprehensive source of unorganised and small enterprises and self employed persons in all sectors It provides information on ownership and employment, seasonality, using or not using premises, use of power, etc. It serves as a sampling frame for follow up surveys on unorganised manufacturing, trade, transport etc. to provide per worker earnings which are used in the Gross Domestic Product Estimates and elsewhere. Four Economic Censuses have been conducted so far starting with 1976-77. The second and the third EC were conducted along with the house listing operations of the decennial population census. The Fourth EC has been conducted in 1997 independent of the house listing operations.
The Census of Public Employment covering state government, local bodies, state public sector undertakings and universities is conducted once in five years. Information is updated through quarterly returns for the mid-censual period. This information flow is found useful for evolving manpower plans for the State and to estimate costs of decisions regarding compensation to employees, age of retirement etc.
This work consists of participating on a matching sample basis in socio-economic surveys on selected topics conducted by Nation Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) of Government of India. The sampling design and schedules of the NSSO are used. The Surveys provide estimates of data on selected socio-economic and other features of household conditions like health morbidity and mortality, education, employment and unemployment, patterns of consumption and consumption expenditure, and many aspects with accuracy suitable for use at state level.
The surveys are conducted in rounds of one year duration and sub-rounds of three months. Topics to be covered are fixed in ten year cycle with consumption expenditure information being covered every year in a thin sample in addition to the once in five year large sample. Necessary training on concepts and definitions and how to fill the schedule is imparted to field staff at the beginning of each round of survey. The data is collected in prescribed schedules by field staff visiting selected sample units. There is a rigorous schedule of supervision/inspection and scrutiny. The results of the surveys are published in reports for each round/sub-round. The data obtained are found useful for economic planning and policy decisions of the Government.