1. Demographic Particulars
2. HEALTH 2015
3. Seasonal Conditions 2014-15
4. Agriculture 2014-15
5. Livestock Census - 2012
6. State Income 2014-15
7. Industry - 2009-10
8. Power Consumption-(Provisional) (Low Tension)
9. Transport and Communications
10. Banks As on March 2015-16
11. Education 2014-15
Sl. No. | Item | Unit | Khammam |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Demographic Particulars | |||
1 | Area | Sq.Kms | 13266.0 |
2 | Population as per 2011 Census | ||
a) Total population | No. | 26,07,066 | |
b) Males | " | 1298543 | |
c) Females | " | 1308523 | |
Percentage decadal growth rate of population | |||
a) 1991-01 | % | 16.39 | |
b) 2001-11 | % | 8.47 | |
Sex- Ratio (Number of Females per 1000 Males) |
a) 2001 | No. | 975 | |
b) 2011 | " | 1011 | |
Population density per sq. km. |
a) 2001 | No. | 161 | |
b) 2011 | " | 197 | |
Population(0-6 years) | |||
a) Total population | No. | 260670 | |
b) Males | " | 133394 | |
c) Females | " | 127276 | |
Literates | |||
Male | No. | 854116 | |
Female | " | 688668 | |
Total | " | 1542784 | |
Literacy Rate | |||
Male | % | 73.30 | |
Female | " | 58.30 | |
Total | " | 65.75 | |
Urban Population | " | 655911 | |
Urban Population as % to Total Population | % | 25.16 | |
Rural Population | No. | 1951155 | |
Rural Population as % to Total Population | % | 74.84 | |
No.of Households | " | 699820 | |
Scheduled Caste Population | " | 439016 | |
Scheduled Tribe Population | " | 656577 | |
3 | Population (As per 2001 Census) | ||
a)Total Population | No | 2578927 | |
b)Urban Population | " | 510861 | |
c)Urban Population as % to Total Population | % | 19.81 | |
d)Rural Population | No. | 2068066 | |
e)Rural Population as % to Total Population | % | 80.19 | |
f) Population(0-6 years) | No. | 350150 | |
g)No.of Households | " | 601659 | |
Density of Population (per | " | 161 | |
Scheduled Caste Population | " | 426692 | |
Scheduled Tribe Population | " | 682617 | |
Literates | |||
Male | No | 745679 | |
Female | " | 522265 | |
Total | " | 1267944 | |
Literacy Rate | |||
Male | % | 66.1 | |
Female | " | 47.4 | |
Total | " | 56.9 | |
Classification of Workers (As per 2011 Census) | |||
(A) Total Workers (i+ii) | No | 1299004 | |
i ) Main Workers | " | 1129539 | |
ii)Marginal Workers | " | 169465 | |
a) Cultivators | " | 200694 | |
b)Agriculture Labourers | " | 729602 | |
c)Household Industry | " | 18511 | |
d)Other Workers | " | 350197 | |
(B) Non-Workers | " | 1387308 | |
4 | Administrative Divisions | ||
Revenue Divisions | " | 4 | |
Towns | " | 14 | |
Revenue Mandals | " | 41 | |
Mandal Parishads | " | 41 | |
Gram Panchayats | " | 671 | |
Revenue Villages as per 2001 Census | " | 1223 | |
a)Inhabited Villages | " | 809 | |
b)Un-inhabited Villages | " | 87 |
Sl. No. | Item | Unit | Khammam |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
HEALTH 2015 | |||
Allopathic | |||
a)Hospitals | No. | 7 | |
b)Primary Health centres | " | 57 | |
c)Hospital beds | " | 1332 | |
d)Dispensaries | " | 4 | |
e)Doctors | |||
Regular | No. | 156 | |
Contract | " | 58 | |
Ayurveda | |||
a)Dispensaries | No. | 43 | |
b)Doctors | " | 19 | |
Homoeopathy | |||
a)Dispensaries | No. | 24 | |
b)Doctors | " | 14 | |
Unani | |||
a)Dispensaries | No. | 13 | |
b)Doctors | " | 4 |
Sl. No. | Item | Unit | Khammam |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Seasonal Conditions 2014-15 | |||
6 | Seasonal Conditions | ||
a)Normal Rainfall (2014-15) | mms | 1112.7 | |
b)Actual Rainfall (2014-15) | " | 826.2 | |
c) Percentage Deviation | % | -26 |
Sl. No. | Item | Unit | Khammam |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Agriculture 2014-15 | |||
7 | Agriculture 2014-15 | ||
Gross Cropped Area | Hects. | 452829 | |
Net Cropped Area | " | 405955 | |
a) Gross Irrigated Area | " | 218786 | |
b) Gross Area Irrigated as % to total cropped area | % | 48.3 | |
Net Irrigated Area | Hects. | 177705 | |
Area under Principal Crops 2014-15 | |||
a) Rice | Hects. | 145708 | |
b) Jowar | " | 530 | |
c) Bajra | " | 0 | |
d)Maize | " | 32795 | |
e) Red Gram | " | 1962 | |
f)Bengal gram | " | 18 | |
g)Black Gram(Mash) | " | 2041 | |
h)Greeen Gram | " | 11248 | |
i)Horse Gram | " | 16 | |
j)Chillies | " | 26638 | |
k)Onions | " | 4 | |
l) Groundnut | " | 4375 | |
m)Castor | " | 0 | |
n) Sesamum | " | 1126 | |
o)sunflower | " | 68 | |
p)Cashewnut (Bearing Area) | " | 4077 | |
q) Cotton | " | 157416 | |
r)Tobbaco | " | 2256 | |
s) Sugarcane (Gur) | " | 5581 | |
t) Coconut (Bearing Area) | " | 437 | |
u) Turmeric | " | 172 | |
v)Banana | " | 358 | |
w)Mangoes(Bearing Area) | " | 24935 | |
Production in tonnes | |||
a) Rice | Tonnes | 456179 | |
b) Jowar | " | 600 | |
c) Bajra | " | 0 | |
d)Maize | " | 161024 | |
e) Red Gram | " | 1024 | |
f)Bengal gram | " | 25 | |
g)Black Gram | " | 832 | |
h)Greeen Gram | " | 6054 | |
i)Horse Gram | " | 6 | |
j)Chillies | " | 114077 | |
k)Onions | " | 98 | |
l) Groundnut | " | 8214 | |
m)Castor | " | 0 | |
n) Sesamum | " | 159 | |
o)Sunflower | " | 97 | |
p)Cashewnut | " | 2283 | |
q) Cotton (Lint) | Bales | 484286 | |
s)Tobbaco | Tonnes | 6035 | |
t) Sugarcane(Gur) | " | 46501 | |
u) Coconut ('000) | No. of Nuts | 9223 | |
v) Turmeric | Tonnes | 856 | |
w)Banana | " | 15518 | |
x)Mangoes | " | 126770 |
Sl. No. | Item | Unit | Khammam |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Livestock Census - 2012 | |||
8 | Livestock Census - 2012 | ||
Livestock Population (with out dogs) | No | 21,77,960 | |
Veterinary Institutions as on 2014-15 | 232 | ||
Veterinary Hospitals | No. | 10 | |
Livestock Supervisory Units (Veternary Despensaries) | " | 84 | |
Rural Livestock Units | " | 136 |
Sl. No. | Item | Unit | Khammam |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
State Income 2014-15 | |||
1 | Gross District Domestic Product at current prices for the year 2014-15(FRE) | Lakhs | 3242124 |
2 | Net District Domestic Product at current prices for the year 2014-15(FRE) | Lakhs | 2950870 |
3 | Per capita Income at current prices for the year 2014-15(FRE) | Rupees. | 102919 |
4 | Gross District Domestic Product at constant (2011-2012) prices for the year 2014-15 (FRE) | Lakhs | 2,637,897 |
5 | Net District Domestic Product at constant (2011-2012) prices for the year 2014-15 (FRE) | Lakhs | 2381201 |
6 | Per capita Income at constant (2011-2012) prices for the year 2014-15 (FRE) | Rs. | 83050 |
Sl. No. | Item | Unit | Khammam |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Industry - 2009-10 | |||
10 | Industry - 2009-10 | ||
a)No.of factories | No. | 937 | |
b)Employees | " | 14055 | |
c) Value of Output | Rs. in Lakhs | 423390 | |
d)Value of Input | " | 383974 | |
e)Net value added | " | 16081 | |
f)Total emoluments | " | 19244 |
Sl. No. | Item | Unit | Khammam |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Power Consumption-(Provisional) (Low Tension) | |||
11 | Power Consumption-2014-15(Provisional) (Low Tension) | ||
a)Domestic | in MkWh | 6,40,627 | |
b)Commercial (Non-Domestic) | " | 1,30,947 | |
c)Industry | 1,21,973 | ||
d)Agriculture | " | 3,83,149 |
Sl. No. | Item | Unit | Khammam |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Transport and Communications | |||
12 | Transport and Communications | ||
Length of roads as on 2014-15 | Kms | 9,629.59 | |
a) Under R&B Department | " | 2,894.51 | |
b) Zilla Parishad and Mandal Parishad (Panchayat Raj) | " | 6,551.88 | |
c) National Highway | " | 183.20 | |
Road Density | per '000 Sq.Kms. | ||
Motor Vehicles(on Road) | No. | 3,88,158 | |
Vehicle density | per Sq.Km. | ||
Telephone connections As on 31st 2014-15) | No. | 23,346 |
Sl. No. | Item | Unit | Khammam |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Banks As on March 2015-16 | |||
13 | Banks As on March 2015 | ||
Bank Offices | " | 306 | |
Average Population per Bank (in '000) | " | 9.00 | |
Credit Deposit Ratio | % | 108.32 |
Sl. No. | Item | Unit | Khammam |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Education 2014-15 | |||
14 | Education2014-2015 | ||
No.of Institutions | No. | 3660 | |
@ | Schools (I - V) | ||
No.of Schools | No. | 2,319 | |
Enrolment | " | 139961 | |
Teachers VII | " | 6,482 | |
@ | Schools ( I - II / VIII) | ||
No.of Schools | No. | 630 | |
Enrolment | " | 68,624 | |
Teachers | " | 3,626 | |
@ | Schools (I - XII) | ||
No.of Schools | No. | 11 | |
Enrolment | " | 6739 | |
Teachers | " | 176 | |
@ | Schools (VI - XII) | ||
No.of Institutions school | No. | 4 | |
Enrolment | " | 1,653 | |
Teachers | " | 69 | |
@ | Schools (I - X) | ||
No.of Institutions | No. | 83 | |
Enrolment | " | 32,570 | |
Teachers | " | 1,146 | |
@ | Schools (VI - X) | ||
No.of Institutions | No. | 613 | |
Enrolment | " | 154,537 | |
Teachers | " | 6,740 | |
@ | Junior Colleges | ||
No.of Colleges | No. | 219 | |
Enrolment | " | 24670 | |
Teachers | " | 2035 | |
15 | Tourist Arrivals As on 31st December, 2015 | No. | |
Indians | " | 1,13,54,693 | |
Foreigners | " | 9 |